Bagasse, what is it?

Bagasse is a by-product of sugarcane production. The word bagasse comes from the French word ‘baggage’ meaning waste. Every 10 tons of sugarcane production generates 3 tonnes of bagasse.

Bagasse can be converted into pretty much any shape from bowls to plates and trays.
Bagasse is grease and water resistant and can tolerate temperatures up to 95c, as well being suitable for use in the microwave, refrigeration and freezing – a very versatile product.

What can it be used for?

Every 10 tons of sugarcane production generates 3 tonnes of bagasse. The bagasse is pulped, washed and then formed into the required shape. Bagasse can be converted into pretty much any shape from bowls to plates and trays.

Bagasse is grease and water resistant and can tolerate temperatures up to 95c, as well being suitable for use in the microwave, refrigeration and freezing – a very versatile product.

Bagasse is sturdy and provides more structure and durability than paper and polystyrene alternatives

100% environment friendly?

Bagasse is fully bio-degradeable and can be disposed of with food and garden waste as well as home composting

Bagasse is a great eco-friendly alternative to traditional polystyrene and plastic food packaging formats – a simple way to reduce your environmental impact

Protecting our natural environment.
